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Weekly dino fact

Weekly Dino Fact: Strongest Bite

November 25th, 2010

Woah!! Rexxy your mouth looks uhhhh SMALL!

This week’s Weekly Dino Fact comes by way of a question from our very own Irvine:

Q: Is there any dinosaur that stronger than Rexxy (He’s a T-Rex)?

An excellent question Irvine! This question was somewhat left open to interpretation because strength can be measured in a lot of different ways. While Rexxy (Tyrannosaurus Rex) certainly had a powerful mass and body, he wasn’t exactly pushing people around with those tiny arms. While T-Rexes probably used their giant bodies to ram into other dinos occasionally, most of their strength lived in their powerful jaws and as powerful as those jaws were, there is another, very familiar dino with even more powerful jaws. Deinosuchus aka “Terrible Crocodile,” was the ancestor of modern day crocodiles and alligators. These bad boys could get to be over 50 feet long, but their real power was in the strongest bites of all time. Modern day crocodiles have the strongest bite on earth measuring around 9,400 newtons, but Deinosuchus had the most forceful bite ever measuring almost twice that of their modern-day descendants at 18,000 newtons. In other words, you did not want to be on the business-end of one of those bites. CHOMP. What do you think of Deinosuchus’ bite? What would you like to learn about in next week’s Dino Fact? Remember to post your comments and leave your questions for next week. Wooot!




Cave contest winner

Feast Week Cave Contest Winners

November 25th, 2010

Another excellent Cave Contest! We’re going to have to have these every single week because AGAIN there were more great caves than Horns could pick. He’s really having a tough time picking winners for these things! This week we had another great turnout, over thirty people signed up and Horns picked his favorites our of all his many favorites. I hope everyone has a great feast this week, if they’re anything like the some of the feasts we saw in these caves I know they’re going to be great. Don’t forget that tomorrow is the last day to submit your comics and that we’ve got some awesome parties going down this weekend!

Members Winner: Pterryosorus

Members Runner Up: Dukster

Non-member Winner: Irvine

Non-member Runner Up: Rexeruz

Congrats to all of our winners! Get ready for a great weekend on Webosaurs Island and I’ll see you soon!



Blogosaur Meetings – Friday

Blogos What What.

Hey gang, you may be aware that we recently started having weekly Blogosaur Meetings on Fridays to discuss Blog related issues and to talk to dinos about how to become a Blogosaur. Well, we are going to continue to do this and have Blogosaur Meetings every Friday, so if you’re interested please join us this Friday! This week we are only going to have one Blogosaur Meeting because of Pterry’s Party conflicting with the time, but I know some fun dinos will be there to discuss Blogo related issues, see ya there! Woot!

Where: Lizard Lounge

When: Friday, November 26th – 16:00 WST

Server: Cretaceous



Stretch and Horns Games Tour – Saturday

“I’M STRONGER!” “No way bro, I’m way stronger!”

Hey gang, after a successful week of feasting, there’s nothing I like more than playing some awesome games to get back to normal. This Saturday, we’re going to have a good old fashioned Games Tour and get the blood flowing again. Horns and Stretch will be up bright and early on Saturday morning and waiting in the Gushing Geyser and then once they get a good group together they’ll head off on their Games Tour. Horns and Stretch have told me they’re going to face off in Power Lifting, Sand Surfing, Dance Party and more. They’ve also mentioned that they’re going to have a secret Fossil Magic battle somewhere on the island, I’m sure they’ll have more details of what they’re planning at party time, but this should be a BLAST!

Where: Gushing Geyser

When: Friday, November 27th –10:00-12:00 WST

Server: Jurassic



Membership for $0.99

99 Cent Membership Special!

November 24th, 2010

Hey Webosaurs! You may have noticed that Webosaurs is having a Membership Special this month. That’s right, for a limited time when you sign up for Webosaurs, your first month will only cost 99 cents! That’s less than a dollar! Sign up now and experience all the best things that Webosaurs has to offer, pick up a pet, play with all Fossil Magic, try out our new Wearable items, see if you can unlock all of the new Badges and so much more! Don’t miss out on this special opportunity to become a Webosaurs Member. We can’t wait for you to be part of the members gang, we’re going to have an awesome weekend of parties and celebrating and I hope to see a lot of happy dinos there! See ya soon!



The One and ONLY… Mischief!

I know you won’t believe this, but today when I logged onto the server Prehistoric at about 14:30pm, guess who I saw on AFK? MISCHIEF

I thought I take a picture, here it is.



Trivia Party with Pterry – Friday

Are you ready for some Trivia?!?

Hey gang, this is not exactly how he pictured it, but the idea for our Friday Party this week comes by way of Webosaurs very own Doggy, it’s a Triva Party with Pterry! Pterry threw a Mystery Party in Sub Alpine Forest a few weeks ago, he had dinos trying to figure out what was going on with the monster he had captured there and then had a blast asking trivia questions and giving out coin codes for correct answers. Well, Pterry has been stockpiling trivia questions since then, he’s got questions about feasting, he’s got questions about dinosaurs, he’s got questions about Webosaurs, but what’s even better is he’s going to allow you to post categories that you’d like him to ask questions about as comments on this blog post. So post categories that you’d like to see as trivia questions and come on down to the Voodoo Hideaway at a special early time at 12 WST for an awesome Trivia Party on Friday! Remember to post what types of questions you’d like to see and to sign up for one or both of the cool contests going on on the Blog. The Cave Contest ends tomorrow and the Comic Contest runs through Friday. See ya soon!

Where: Voodoo Hideaway

When: Friday, November 26th –12:00-14:00 WST

Server: Jurassic



Game of the Week – Wookey Lanes

Bowling for STRIKES! 

Hey gang, this week the game of the week is the wonkiest, wackiest, wookiest game on the Island… It’s Wookey Lanes! Wookey Lanes is one of the great games on Webosaurs Island because it’s Multi-player AND Single-player so no matter if you’re getting down solo or with a friend, you can always head over to Prairie Pool and get your bowl on. Personally, I’ve never been too good at keeping that ball straight enough to score any high scores, but there are some major bowling talents on the Island, so be careful who you challenge!

Even if you don’t roll the highest score you won’t be disappointed because Wookey Lanes is going to be cranking out even more coins than usual this week! As I mentioned above, Wookey Lanes is located in Prairie Pool, so don’t waste too much time before you head over there and knock down some dino bone pins!


Yay! My high score in this game is 246 and I’m gonna get some big amount of coins. 🙂

Protectosaur meeting

Protectosaur Meetings – Tuesday

November 22nd, 2010

If you aren’t familiar, we encourage our Protectosaurs to meet up as a group once a week to discuss issues on the island and other items of interest. However, the meetings aren’t closed off to only Pros – they are more like Town Hall style meetings for everyone to discuss island business. Everyone has an equal stake in Webosaurs and we would love to hear what is on your mind. Topics that are on the agenda for this week:

Feast Week

Where: Dr. Nanosaurus Secret Lab

When: Tuesday, November 23rd – 12:00 WST and 16:00 WST

Server: Prehistoric

New Pros: Rexeruz and Ror

– mio

– Mikegman

Weekend Review: Findmeosaur and Costumes take over!

Woah! Sweet digs!

WOAH! What a great weekend on Webosaurs Island! As usual there was fun to be had all weekend long, but this weekend was especially rad because of the new wearable items that were released last week. Everyone has been trying on new kicks, mohawks, capes and masks trying to figure out their new look. By Sunday there were some especially creative combos and many dinos showed up at our Webosaurs Costume Party this morning to strut their stuff and show off the new items they are wearing. I had an amazing time and was lucky enough to be a judge during our Costume Contest along with our special guest judge Stretch (oh yeah, my costume was Stretch), I hope no one got too confused. xD

Friday, and all weekend long, Findmeosaur was on the scene! On Friday we had a Findmeosaur Party in which dinos competed in speed rounds to see who could find Findmeh the most times. Congrats to our Champion Kingnick, 2nd place finishers JohnnyNitro, Ilikebugs and Rowsy and 3rd place finishers Doggy, Gerbil and Pumpedaaron. You’ll all receive your trophies soon! Findmeh had such a blast on Friday that he kept popping in all weekend long. Did you have a chance to find Findmeh?? Don’t forget dinos, there are still two awesome contests going on, so sign up if you haven’t already. Let’s get ready for a great week!
