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Weekend Review: Rexxy Surprises!

Jokes FTW!

Phew! What an awesome weekend and what an awesome week ahead we have! My head is STILL spinning from everything that went down this weekend. Friday night we had a good old-fashioned Comedy Night and there were some side-splitting jokes being told. Congrats to our winners!

3rd Place: Turtpip

“Where does a Snowman keep his money? In a SNOWBANK!”

Runner Up: Sludge

“Justin Bieber’s song baby recently got it’s 400 millionth view… Half were from REX!”

Winner: CPDarkRai

“Why does Santa go down chimneys? Because it SOOTS him!”

Congrats to all our winners, winners lookout for your trophies!


Sunday we had a rockin’ Guess Who? Party. Dinos were dressed as their friends, devs, characters and celebrities, I could barely figure out who was who. I guess that’s the point though! We waited and waited and I think some of us thought that Rexxy would never come, but eventually he did and his surprise was worth the wait! When Rexxy finally did arrive we finally figured out what he’s been working on for the last week. WeboGames are coming back! There will be more details to follow, but Opening Ceremonies for WeboGames are tomorrow night at 19:00 WST! Let’s get ready to compete!



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