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News-# 1

Webosaurs Blog

Winter Weather Holiday Party – Saturday/Sunday

December 8th, 2010

Brrrrr those are some coooooold dinos!

Hey gang, as I’m sure you all know we’re right in the middle of WeboGames 2010. I’m sure we’re all going to be playing games and trying to get to the tops of Leader Boards all weekend long, but for those of you that need a break from the competition and those of you that just want to party we’re going to be celebrating the beginning of winter and the Holiday Season in true Webosaurs style. We’ll be meeting up each day in Webo Ridge and then moving throughout the winter landscapes spreading holiday cheer. We’ll be caroling, singing holiday songs, playing games, playing winter trivia AND most importantly announcing the WeboGames leaders through the first week. That’s right, on Saturday and Sunday we’ll be announcing who is currently in the lead and then later posting them on the Blog and on the Forum. See if you’re in the lead or close to the top, then you’ll know what kind of work you have to do to earn a WeboGames Trophy. There will also be a couple of Surprise Guests throughout the weekend and we’ll be giving out past winter items in exchange for winter trivia! So stay warm and keep playing games, the end of the WeboGames will be here before you know it! See you this weekend!

Where: Webo Ridge

When: Saturday and Sunday, December 11th and 12th – 10:00 WST

Server: Jurassic


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Blogosaur Meetings – Friday

December 8th, 2010


Hey gang, you may be aware that we recently started having weekly Blogosaur Meetings on Fridays to discuss Blog related issues and to talk to dinos about how to become a Blogosaur. Well, we are going to continue to do this and have Blogosaur Meetings every Friday, so if you’re interested please join us this Friday! Woot!

Where: Lizard Lounge

When: Friday, December 10th – 12:00 WST and 16:00 WST

Server: Cretaceous


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Weekly Environmental Fact: Troubled Bluefin Tuna

December 8th, 2010

You are beast Bluefin.

The mighty Bluefin Tuna is in serious trouble. You may not be able to tell from this picture, but Atlantic Bluefin Tuna are seriously beastly machines. These bad boys (and gals) can weigh over 900 lbs, are apex predators and along with Marlins are the largest bony fish on earth. I’m sure they don’t look quite as powerful on your tuna fish sandwich, but if you’re not a picky eater, you’ve probably eaten one of these for lunch at some point in your life. Which is precisely why they are in such trouble, Atlantic Bluefin Tuna have been a commercial catch for as long as mankind has been fishing, from the ancient Greeks and Phoenicians right up to the can of tuna in your pantry and the delicious pink meat in your sushi roll. As delicious as these powerful fish are, the problem is that we’re getting greedy and taking too many out of our oceans. Conservationists were hoping that fishermen would stop hauling them in during 2011 in order to allow the Bluefin time to recover, but sadly fishermen from 48 countries decided to barely lower the limit on Bluefin that will be caught during 2011. Conservationists from Greenpeace and other environmental groups are fighting the decision, but if we don’t stop fishing for Bluefin so heavily we’re going to lose them forever. The Bluefin Tuna are in need of a group similar to the Sea Shephards to look out for them, we can still fish for them and eat them, but not in such high numbers. What do you think about Atlantic Bluefin Tuna? What do you think can be done to protect our world’s oceans? Leave your thoughts here!


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Games Tour – Friday

December 7th, 2010

Rexxy on the Leader Board! What, what?

Hey gang, it’s Rexxy appreciation time! You may know that Webosaurs’ very own PERcY came up with the idea for WeboGames, but Rexxy has been working serious overtime to make the games a success this year. You see, all of the Leader Boards are seriously rusted and Rexxy is having to go from game to game and put some serious elbow grease into turning them back and wiping them clean. He was clearing them all off for a week before the games and is going to be clearing them this week and next week as well. Since Rexxy’s been working so hard I think we should let him have a little fun and join us for a party! What do you think, he deserves a party right? I think so too, this Friday at 17 WST we’re going to let Rexxy have some fun and play some of the games he’s been working so hard on, we’re also going to give him a big thank you for bringing WeboGames back to the Island this year. Rexxy’s been working so hard that he’s been sleeping in the Tree Fort, can you believe that? So let’s meet him there on Friday at 17:00 WST and have a great time making a ton of Leader Boards around the Island! Woot!

Where: Tree Fort – Croc. Peninsula

When: Friday, December 10th – 17:00 WST

Server: Jurassic


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WeboGames Update

December 7th, 2010

Gold is MINE! Mwahaha

Hey gang, WeboGames 2010 are upon us and dinos are scrambling around the Island trying to get to the top of as many Leader Boards as possible. Have you gotten to the top of any yet!? I just wanted to give you all a sneak peak of the trophies that we’re going to be giving out at the conclusion of the WeboGames. They are a special 2010 edition, what do you think, pretty sweet huh? Don’t worry if you’re not in the top three at the end of WeboGames there may be another opportunity for you to win one of these sweet trophies this weekend too, so stay tuned. Also, everyone who participates in the WeboGames this year will receive this rad medal.

Think this will fit around Horns’ neck?

I also have to correct a previous mistake that I made on the GOTW post yesterday. Dino Dig will NOT be included in the final tally for the WeboGames because there is a cap and everyone who finds a dino gets the same score. That being said, everything else is fair game! So get after it, I’ll see you out there!


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Protectosaur Meetings – Tuesday

December 6th, 2010

If you aren’t familiar, we encourage our Protectosaurs to meet up as a group once a week to discuss issues on the island and other items of interest. However, the meetings aren’t closed off to only Pros – they are more like Town Hall style meetings for everyone to discuss island business. Everyone has an equal stake in Webosaurs and we would love to hear what is on your mind. Topics that are on the agenda for this week:


Where: Dr. Nanosaurus Secret Lab

When: Tuesday, December 7th – 12:00 WST and 16:00 WST

Server: Prehistoric

New Pros: Coolhlh and Sushiboy


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Game of the Week – Dino Dig Sanoran Sands

December 6th, 2010

Dig up some bonez!! Make the Leader Board while you’re at it!

Hey gang, Game of the Week time! I know you’re all going to be playing major games during WeboGames, but at least one extra game will be giving out MAJOR coinage this week during your quest for a WeboGames Trophy. The often forgotten, but still majorly awesome Dino Dunes Sanoran Sands edition is this Week’s Game of the Week! I don’t know what type of ancient dino bones are buried under there, but there sure are a lot and you will be on your way to getting a full Tuxedo set with your earnings. So grab your tools and head on over to Sanoran Sands and see what type of fossils you can dig up.  Now get to diggin’ partna!


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Weekend Review: Rexxy Surprises!

December 5th, 2010

Jokes FTW!

Phew! What an awesome weekend and what an awesome week ahead we have! My head is STILL spinning from everything that went down this weekend. Friday night we had a good old-fashioned Comedy Night and there were some side-splitting jokes being told. Congrats to our winners!

3rd Place: Turtpip

“Where does a Snowman keep his money? In a SNOWBANK!”

Runner Up: Sludge

“Justin Bieber’s song baby recently got it’s 400 millionth view… Half were from REX!”

Winner: CPDarkRai

“Why does Santa go down chimneys? Because it SOOTS him!”

Congrats to all our winners, winners lookout for your trophies!





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WeboGames Returns! Rules and Regulations

December 5th, 2010


For everyone who was not at the Guess Who? Party today, I will relay the big announcement that Rexxy dropped on us… WEBOGAMES has returned. That’s right! For the second straight year there will be all out competition on Webosaurs Island. We’ll be competing for the next two weeks to make as many leader boards as possible! We will have a small Opening Ceremony Tomorrow at 19:00 WST in the Lizard Lounge. At that time the games will officially begin! WeboGames will last almost two full weeks this year and they will end at the stroke of midnight on Thursday December 16th. We will have an Awards Ceremony on Saturday December 18th. Let the games BEGIN!

Rules and Regulations:

  • The goal of WeboGames is to make as many leaderboards as possible. This includes every game on the island, even Quizbos and Battle Arenas.
  • For every leaderboard made, the player will earn one point. On the night of December 16th, all the points will be tallied and the players with the top 3 points will earn trophies. You can only earn one point per leaderboard!
  • Every day or two the leaderboard will be edited. Meaning if one player is running the leaderboard, all but the top score will be deleted to give other players a chance to make the board.

Just like last year it doesn’t matter where fall on a leader board. Just that you’re on there! I can’t wait to compete! More details about trophies and prizes will follow. I’ll see you tomorrow night and let’s get ready to ruuuuuuuumble!

Where: Lizard Lounge

When: Monday, December 6th – 19:00 WST

Server: Jurassic


Sunday we had a rockin’ Guess Who? Party. Dinos were dressed as their friends, devs, characters and celebrities, I could barely figure out who was who. I guess that’s the point though! We waited and waited and I think some of us thought that Rexxy would never come, but eventually he did and his surprise was worth the wait! When Rexxy finally did arrive we finally figured out what he’s been working on for the last week. WeboGames are coming back! There will be more details to follow, but Opening Ceremonies for WeboGames are tomorrow night at 19:00 WST! Let’s get ready to compete!

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